


1.            前項の規定にかかわらず、受領者が次の各号のいずれかに該当することを書面その他の方法により証明できる情報については、秘密情報から除かれるものとする。

(1) 開示者より開示を受ける以前又は受けた時点ですでに有していた情報

(2) 開示者より開示を受けた時点ですでに公知の情報

(3) 開示者より開示を受けた後に、受領者の責によらず公知となった情報

(4) 正当な権利を有する第三者から秘密保持の義務を負うことなく適法に入手した情報

(5) 開示者の秘密情報を利用することなく独自に開発又は創作した情報

(6) 秘密情報から除くことを甲乙相互に確認した情報













  • サンプル用の特別なファイルです。お客様へお渡しする納品原稿では、下記のような修正変更履歴は残らず変更後のテキストのみが表示されます。

    1.    Notwithstanding the provisions of the preceding paragraph, information that the Receiving Party can prove by writing or by other means that  1falls under any of the following items shall be excluded from the Confidential Information.

     (1) Information that the Receiving Party already had possessed  2before receiving or when receiving the disclosure from the Disclosing Party

     (2) Information that was already publicly known at the time of disclosure from the Disclosing Party

    (3) Information that became publicly 3 known through no fault of the Receiving Party after receiving disclosure from the Disclosing Party

    (4) Information legally obtained from a third party with a legitimate authority right to possession 4 and without obligation of confidentiality

    (5) Information independently developed or created without using the Confidential Information of the Disclosing Party

    (6) Information mutually confirmed by Party A and Party B to be excluded from the Confidential Information


    Article 3 (Prohibition on use for other purposes)

    The Receiving Party shall not use the Confidential Information for purposes other than the Purpose of Disclosure without obtaining prior written consent in writing 5 (including electronic methods such as e-mail) from the Disclosing Party.

    Article 4 (Restrictions on duplication, etc.)

    The Receiving Party shall not duplicate, copy, or modify all or any parts of the Confidential Information 6 disclosed by the Disclosing Party without obtaining the consent in writing (including electronic methods such as e-mail) of the Disclosing Party in advance. The Receiving Party shall treat duplicates, copies, and modifications as Confidential Information, and must store these items with strict diligencely7 , clearly distinguishing them from other materials.

    サンプル用の特別なファイルで、納品原稿には赤字や青字といった変更履歴はありません。 赤字部分がクロスチェッカーによる修正箇所です 。
    1【明確さと読みやすさ】【言語】 理解を深めるために代名詞を追加しました。
    2[ワードとフレーズのチョイス] [言語] ワードチョイスを改善しました。
    3[訳抜け] ソーステキストに従って不足している情報を追加しました。
    4【専門用語のチョイス】【SME】 専門的な正確性を高めるためにワードチョイスを改善しました。
    5【専門用語のチョイス】【SME】 専門的な正確さと簡潔さを向上させるためにワードチョイスを改善しました。
    6[誤訳] ソーステキストに従い、意味が変更された点を修正しました。
    7【明確さと読みやすさ】【言語】 理解を深めるためにワードチョイスを改善しました。
  • 1.   Notwithstanding the provisions of the preceding paragraph, information that the Receiving Party can prove in writing or by other means falling under any of the following items shall be excluded from the Confidential Information:

     (1) Information that was already in possession of the Receiving Party at the time of or before receiving the disclosure from the Disclosing Party;

     (2) Information that was already publicly known at the time of the disclosure from the Disclosing Party

    (3) Information that became publicly known through no fault of the Receiving Party after receiving disclosure from the Disclosing Party;

    (4) Information legally obtained from a third party with a legitimate right to possession thereof and without any obligation of confidentiality;

    (5) Information independently developed or created without using the Confidential Information of the Disclosing Party;

    (6) Information mutually confirmed by both Party A and Party B as excluded from the Confidential Information.


    Article 3 (Prohibition of use for other purposes)

    The Receiving Party shall not use the Confidential Information for purposes other than the Purpose of Disclosure without obtaining prior written consent (including through electronic methods, such as an e-mail) from the Disclosing Party.

    Article 4 (Restrictions on duplication, etc.)

    The Receiving Party shall not duplicate, copy, or modify all or any part of the Confidential Information disclosed by the Disclosing Party without obtaining the prior written consent (including through electronic methods, such as an e-mail) from the Disclosing Party in advance. The Receiving Party shall treat duplicates, copies, and modifications as Confidential Information, and must store these items with strict diligence, clearly distinguishing them from other materials.



    1.            Notwithstanding the provisions of the preceding paragraph, information that the Receiving Party can prove by in 1 writing or by other means that 2 fallsfalling under any of the following items shall be excluded from the Confidential Information.:

     (1) Information that was already in possession of the Receiving Party already had possessed 3 at the time of or before receiving or when receiving the disclosure from the Disclosing Party;4 

     (2) Information that was already publicly known at the time of the disclosure from the Disclosing Party;

    (3) Information that became publicly 5 known through no fault of the Receiving Party after receiving disclosure from the Disclosing Party;6 

    (4) Information legally obtained from a third party with a legitimate authority right to possession 7 thereof and without any obligation of confidentiality;

    (5) Information independently developed or created without using the Confidential Information of the Disclosing Party;

    (6) Information mutually confirmed by both Party A and Party B to beas excluded8  from the Confidential Information.


    Article 3 (Prohibition on of 9 use for other purposes)

    The Receiving Party shall not use the Confidential Information for purposes other than the Purpose of Disclosure without obtaining prior written consent in writing 10 (including through electronic methods, such as an 11 e-mail) from the Disclosing Party.

    Article 4 (Restrictions on duplication, etc.)

    The Receiving Party shall not duplicate, copy, or modify all or any parts of the Confidential Information 12 disclosed by the Disclosing Party without obtaining the prior written consent13  in writing (including through electronic methods, such as an e-mail) offrom the Disclosing Party in advance. The Receiving Party shall treat duplicates, copies, and modifications as Confidential Information, and must store these items with strict diligencely14 , clearly distinguishing them from other materials.

    サンプル用の特別なファイルで、納品原稿には赤字や青字といった変更履歴はありません。 赤字部分がクロスチェッカーによる修正箇所です 。
    1 [前置詞] [文法] 前置詞を修正しました
    2【明確さと読みやすさ】【言語】 理解を深めるために代名詞を追加しました。
    3 [ワードとフレーズのチョイス] [言語] ワードチョイスを改善しました。
    4【明確さと読みやすさ】【言語】 読みやすさを向上させるために言い換えました
    5 [訳抜け] ソーステキストに従って不足している情報を追加しました。
    6 [句読点] 法関係の文書で一般的に使用される項目にセミコロンを追加しました。
    7【専門用語のチョイス】【SME】 専門的な正確性を高めるためにワードチョイスを改善しました。
    8【明確さと読みやすさ】【言語】 より明確にするために言い回しを変更しました。
    9 [前置詞] [文法] 正確性を高めるために前置詞を修正しました。
    10【専門用語のチョイス】【SME】 専門的な正確さと簡潔さを向上させるためにワードチョイスを改善しました。
    11【冠詞】【文法】 適した文法のために冠詞を追加しました。
    12 [誤訳] ソーステキストに従い、意味が変更された点を修正しました。
    13 [一貫性] [SDI /スタイル] テキストの一貫性を維持するためにワードチョイスを改善しました。
    14【明確さと読みやすさ】【言語】 理解を深めるためにワードチョイスを改善しました。




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