



当社が築き上げた、発泡スチロールマテリアルリサイクルのビジネスモデルは、40年の歴史を持ち、魚市場、デパート、スーパーマーケットなど中心に発泡スチロール専用処理機を2000社が採用している。日本の発泡スチロールリサイクルの業界標準(※J-EPS recycling)となっている。現場では、魚箱に付いたシールなどの異物を除去、発泡スチロール処理機にて1/50に減容しインゴット化、出来上がったインゴットは、再生プラスチック原料の基材として当社が有価買取し、検品保管したのちPS A-LUMPとして販売する。












J-EPS recyclingとは、








  • サンプル用の特別なファイルです。お客様へお渡しする納品原稿では、下記のような修正変更履歴は残らず変更後のテキストのみが表示されます。

    Pana-Chemical Co., Ltd.’s Material Recycling Business Model


    The EPS recycling business model that we built has a 40 year history, and over 2000 companies now use our dedicated EPS processing machines. These machines are to be found1  mainly at fish markets, department stores, and supermarkets, and the system, called J-EPS Recycling, is the industry standard for EPS recycling in Japan. In the J-EPS recycling system, foreign objects such as stickers are removed from the fish boxes (Figure 1a), 2 which are then heated and compressed in an EPS EPS-recycling machine to 1/50th of their original size, cast into inletsingots3 , bought by Pana-Chemical as a base material for plastic recycling (Figure 1b), and inspected, stored, and sold as our PS A-LUMP products (Figure 1c).

    Figure 1<

    (a) EPS Fish Boxes

    (b) Processing

    (c) PS A-LUMP

    Figure 2 Dedicated EPS Processing Machine Lineup

    (a) Eco Robo Ace

    High-end model that uses frictional heat to compress EPS safely and efficiently.

    Capacity: 50–400 kg/h

    (b) Hi-Melter

    Energy-efficient automated compaction/ejection to produce small to large ingots.

    Capacity: 20–300 kg/h

    (c) Clean Heat Packer

    Long-selling, compact, quiet, batch processing design.

    Capacity: 10–180 kg/h

    What is Is J-EPS Recycling?

    J-EPS Recycling is Japan's aJapan’s first system for recycling EPS4 . Developed in Japan by Pana-Chemical, and implemented by over more than 2,000 companies at fish markets, department stores, and supermarkets 5 around Japan

    What is Is Resource Plastic?

    Resource 6 plastic Plastic is name and quality standard promoted by Pana-Chemical for raw material that is used to making recycled plastic. Certification is provided by the Resource Plastic Association (

    サンプル用の特別なファイルで、納品原稿には赤字や青字といった変更履歴はありません。 赤字部分がクロスチェッカーによる修正箇所です 。
    1[ワードチョイス] 読みやすさを改善し、より明確にするために修飾語の「machine」を追加しました。
    2【明確さ】 テキストの明瞭さと相対性を改善するために校正されました
    3【専門用語のチョイス】 翻訳に誤った用語が使用されました
    4[誤訳] 意図された意味が変わっていました
    5[訳抜け] 重要な情報の訳抜けが確認されたため、著者の意図した意味を伝えることができませんでした
    6[入力ミス] 誤植が修正されました
  • Pana-Chemical Co. Ltd.’s Material Recycling Business Model


    The EPS recycling business model that we built has a 40-year history, and more than 2000 companies have now used our dedicated EPS processing machines. These machines are found mainly at fish markets, department stores, and supermarkets, and the system, known as J-EPS Recycling, is the industrial standard for EPS recycling in Japan. In J-EPS Recycling, foreign objects such as stickers are removed from fish boxes (Figure 1a), that are then heated and compressed in an EPS-recycling machine to 1/50th of their original size, cast into ingots, bought by Pana-Chemical as a base material for plastic recycling (Figure 1b), and inspected, stored, and sold as our PS A-LUMP product (Figure 1c).

    (a) EPS Fish Boxes

    (b) Processing

    (c) PS A-LUMP

    Figure 1 (a) EPS fish boxes, (b) Processing of EPS fish boxes, and (c) PS A-LUMP, the final product EPS, expanded polystyrene

    (a) Eco Robo Ace

    (b) Hi-Melter

    (c) Clean Heat Packer

    Figure 2 Dedicated EPS-processing machine lineup (a) Eco Robo Ace, a high-end model that uses frictional heat to compress EPS safely and efficiently (capacity: 50-400 kg/h). (b) Energy-efficient automated compaction/ejection to produce small to large ingots (capacity: 20-300 kg/h). (c) Long-selling compact, quiet batch processing design (capacity: 10-180 kg/h). EPS, expanded polystyrene.

    What Is J-EPS Recycling?

    J-EPS Recycling is a system for recycling EPS. It is developed in Japan by Pana-Chemical and implemented by more than 2000 companies at fish markets, department stores, and supermarkets around Japan.

    What Is Resource Plastic?

    Resource Plastic is a name and quality standard promoted by Pana-Chemical for raw material that is used to make recycled plastic. Certification is provided by the Resource Plastic Association (



    Pana-Chemical Co.,. Ltd.’s Material Recycling Business Model


    The EPS recycling business model that we built has a 40- year history1 , and overmore than 2000 companies have now useused our dedicated2  EPS processing machines. These machines are to be found3  mainly at fish markets, department stores, and supermarkets, and the system, called known as 4 J-EPS Recycling, is the industryindustrial standard for EPS recycling in Japan. In the J-EPS recycling systemRecycling, foreign objects such as stickers are removed from the fish boxes (Figure 1a), 5 whichthat are then heated and compressed in an EPS EPS-recycling machine to 1/50th of their original size, cast into inletsingots6 , bought by Pana-Chemical as a base material for plastic recycling (Figure 1b), and inspected, stored, and sold as our PS A-LUMP productsproduct (Figure 1c).

    Figure 1

    (a) EPS Fish Boxes

    (b) Processing

    (c) PS A-LUMP

    Figure 2 Dedicated1 (a) EPS fish boxes, (b) Processing Machine Lineupof EPS fish boxes, and (c) PS A-LUMP, the final product EPS, expanded polystyrene7 

    (a) Eco Robo Ace

    High-end model that uses frictional heat to compress EPS safely and efficiently.

    Capacity: 50–400 kg/h

    (b) Hi-Melter

    Energy-efficient automated compaction/ejection to produce small to large ingots.

    Capacity: 20–300 kg/h

    (c) Clean Heat Packer

    Long-selling, compact, quiet, batch processing design.

    Capacity: 10–180 kg/h

    Figure 2 Dedicated EPS-processing machine lineup (a) Eco Robo Ace, a high-end model that uses frictional heat to compress EPS safely and efficiently (capacity: 50-400 kg/h). (b) Energy-efficient automated compaction/ejection to produce small to large ingots (capacity: 20-300 kg/h). (c) Long-selling compact, quiet batch processing design (capacity: 10-180 kg/h). EPS, expanded polystyrene.8 

    What is Is J-EPS Recycling?

    J-EPS Recycling is Japan's aJapan’s first system for recycling EPS9 . DevelopedIt is developed in Japan by Pana-Chemical, and implemented by over more than 2,0002000 10 companies at fish markets, department stores, and supermarkets 11 around Japan.12 

    What is Is Resource Plastic?

    Resource 13 plastic Plastic is a 14 name and quality standard promoted by Pana-Chemical for raw material that is used to makingmake15  recycled plastic. Certification is provided by the Resource Plastic Association (

    サンプル用の特別なファイルで、納品原稿には赤字や青字といった変更履歴はありません。 赤字部分がクロスチェッカーによる修正箇所です 。
    1[句読点] 「40年」のハイフンは、それに続く名詞を修飾します
    2 [言語と読みやすさ] 読みやすくするためにフレーズを変更しました
    3 [ワードチョイス] 読みやすさを改善し、より明確にするために修飾語の「machine」を追加しました。
    4 [ワードチョイス] 文脈に応じた、より適したワードチョイスの使用
    5【明確さ】 テキストの明瞭さと相対性を改善するために校正されました
    6【専門用語のチョイス】 翻訳に誤った用語が使用されました
    7 [SDI /フォーマット] 一貫性を高めるために校正されました
    8 [SDI /フォーマット] 一貫性を高めるために校正されました
    9誤訳] 意図された意味が変わっていました
    10 [一貫性] 数値データは、最初はコンマなしでした。 したがって、一貫性を維持するために校正されました
    11 [訳抜け] 重要な情報の訳抜けが確認されたため、著者の意図した意味を伝えることができませんでした
    12 [句読点] ピリオドが抜けていました。
    13 [入力ミス] 誤植が修正されました
    14 [冠詞] 不定冠詞が必要でした
    15 [文法] 時制の使用法が誤っています。



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