


1. 目的








  • サンプル用の特別なファイルです。お客様へお渡しする納品原稿では、下記のような修正変更履歴は残らず変更後のテキストのみが表示されます。


    The purpose of the present study by randomized controlled trial (RCT) (active drug parallel group comparison study, superiority trial) is to examine the effect of sodium zirconium cyclosilicate hydrate (Brand name: Lokelma) on improving pre-dialysis hyperkalemia in comparison with polustyrene sulfonate (brand name: Argamate jelly, argamate granules, kalimate dry syrup, kalimate oral solution, and kalimate powder) as a control in patients with poorly controlled pre-dialysis poor control of serum potassium levels among those receiving chronic hemodialysis three times per week. The purpose of the present study, is to examine the sodium zirconium cyclosilicate hydrate effect (Brand name: Lokelma) on the treatment of pre-dialysis hyperkalemia in patient with poorly controlled serum potassium levels and undergoing chronic haemodialysis at least three times a week, this study is conducted in comparison with a control polustyrene sulfonate (brand name: Argamate jelly, argamate granules, kalimate dry syrup , kalimate oral solution, and kalimate powder) using the randomized controlled trial (RCT) data.1 

    2.Background and grounds for scientific rationality


    Hyperkalemia is a serious condition that can directly causeis directly linked with arrhythmia and cardiac death2 . In hemodialysis patients, a relationship betweenthe reports suggest that the pre-dialysis serum potassium level of ≥ 5.6 mEq/L is associated and with death (all deaths, and cardiac death) has been reported3 . Hemodialysis patients primarily depend on hemodialysis to maintain normal serum potassium levels due to a large drop in,decrease in or complete or loss 4 of their kidneys’ kidney’s ability to excrete potassium 5 . However, when treated with hemodialysis alone, many patients exhibit persistently high pre-dialysis serum potassium levels, which poses an urgent problem. Dialysis patients need to have an adequate intake of protein to maintain their nutritional status, taking into account the6 Considering loss of proteins through dialysis, the amount of protein intake to maintain nutritional status needs to be ensured in dialysis patients.

    サンプル用の特別なファイルで、納品原稿には赤字や青字といった変更履歴はありません。 赤字部分がクロスチェッカーによる修正箇所です 。
    1[明確さとSMEの正確さ] 文章は、著者が意図した意味を正しく伝え、読みやすくするために言い換えられました。
    2【専門用語のチョイス】 「Death from cardiac arrhythmia」
    3[誤訳] 意味が変わっていたので、修正しました
    4[ワードチョイス] 簡潔にするためにより適したワードチョイスをしました。
    5[訳抜け] 重要な情報の訳抜け
    6【明確性】 より明確にするために言い換えました
  • 1.Purpose

    The purpose of the present study, is to examine the effect of sodium zirconium cyclosilicate hydrate  (Brand name: Lokelma) on the treatment of pre-dialysis hyperkalemia in patients with poorly controlled serum potassium levels and undergoing chronic hemodialysis at least three times a week, this study is conducted in comparison with a control polystyrene sulfonate (brand name: Argamate jelly, argamate granules, kalimate dry syrup , kalimate oral solution, and kalimate powder) using the randomized controlled trial (RCT) data.

    2.Background and grounds for scientific rationality


    Hyperkalemia is a serious condition that is directly linked with death from cardiac arrhythmia. In hemodialysis patients, the reports suggest that the pre-dialysis serum potassium level of ≥ 5.6 mEq/L is associated with death (all deaths, and cardiac death). These patients primarily depend on hemodialysis to maintain normal serum potassium levels due to a large decrease in or complete loss of their kidneys’ ability to excrete potassium. However, when treated with hemodialysis alone, many patients exhibit persistently high pre-dialysis serum potassium levels, which poses an urgent problem. Dialysis patients need to have an adequate intake of protein to maintain their nutritional status, taking into account the loss of proteins through dialysis.




    The purpose of the present study by randomized controlled trial (RCT) (active drug parallel group comparison study, superiority trial) is to examine the effect of sodium zirconium cyclosilicate hydrate (Brand name: Lokelma) on improving pre-dialysis hyperkalemia in comparison with polustyrene sulfonate (brand name: Argamate jelly, argamate granules, kalimate dry syrup, kalimate oral solution, and kalimate powder) as a control in patients with poorly controlled pre-dialysis poor control of serum potassium levels among those receiving chronic hemodialysis three times per week. The purpose of the present study, is to examine the effect of sodium zirconium cyclosilicate hydrate effect (Brand name: Lokelma) on the treatment of pre-dialysis hyperkalemia in patientpatients with poorly controlled serum potassium levels and undergoing chronic haemodialysishemodialysis1  at least three times a week, this study is conducted in comparison with a control polustyrenepolystyrene2  sulfonate (brand name: Argamate jelly, argamate granules, kalimate dry syrup , kalimate oral solution, and kalimate powder) using the randomized controlled trial (RCT) data.3 

    2.Background and grounds for scientific rationality


    Hyperkalemia is a serious condition that can directly causeis directly linked with death from cardiac 4 arrhythmia and cardiac death5 . In hemodialysis patients, a relationship betweenthe reports suggest that the pre-dialysis serum potassium level of ≥ 5.6 mEq/L is associated and with death (all deaths, and cardiac death) has been reported6 . HemodialysisThese7  patients primarily depend on hemodialysis to maintain normal serum potassium levels due to a large drop in,decrease in or complete or loss 8 of their kidneys’ kidney’s ability to excrete potassium 9 . However, when treated with hemodialysis alone, many patients exhibit persistently high pre-dialysis serum potassium levels, which poses an urgent problem. Dialysis patients need to have an adequate intake of protein to maintain their nutritional status, taking into account the10 Considering loss of proteins through dialysis, the amount of protein intake to maintain nutritional status needs to be ensured in dialysis patients.

    サンプル用の特別なファイルで、納品原稿には赤字や青字といった変更履歴はありません。 赤字部分がクロスチェッカーによる修正箇所です 。
    1 [SDI /フォーマット] AmE / BrEの規則。 アメリカ英語用。
    2 [スペル/タイプミス] マイナーエラーを修正しました
    3 [明確さとSMEの正確さ] 文章は、著者が意図した意味を正しく伝え、読みやすくするために言い換えられました。
    4【専門用語のチョイス】 「Death from cardiac arrhythmia」
    5【専門用語のチョイス】 「Death from cardiac arrhythmia」
    6 [誤訳] 意味が変わっていたので、修正しました
    7 [繰り返しと冗長性] 「hemodialysis」の冗長な使用を避けました
    8 [ワードチョイス] 簡潔にするためにより適したワードチョイスをしました。
    9 [訳抜け] 重要な情報の訳抜け
    10 【明確性】 より明確にするために言い換えました



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